Much of the HeARTsongpaintings collection is made to order. This means that Roosmarijn only makes the painting when it has been bought. In this way she can make it fully custom friendly.
Order the painting directly online, or contact HeARTsongpainting and tell what kind of painting you want Roosmarijn to make. After agreeing on the size and price (the same size = the same price as the artwork on this website*) she will make the artwork. You always receive a photo on before hand.
The work is only sent after approval. And are you not satisfied? Then you will receive the purchase amount back. Would you like to have more information, don’t hesitate to get in touch!
*Please note that Roosmarijn can and will never make an identical painting to the ones that you find online here. They are all originals, no copies! However you can use the paintings on the website in deciding what kind of painting you’d like and address these wishes.