Fata Morgana Orange

Fata Morgana orange heARTsongpaintings

What do you see? Is it an illusion? There are no oranges in this painting but still your taste pupils react. Orange stimulates digestion and helps the body absorb good substances and excrete bad ones.


31.5x15.7 80x40cm 3D

World Panel

World Panel in house heARTsongpainting

Representing the world in all its colours. From the primal instinct of orange all the way to the opposite turquoise that is the tranquilliser of nature. The red represents both the fight and the love of us humans.

World Panel
World Panel 1
World Panel 2
World Panel 3


31.5×11.8in 80x30cm 3D

Earthly Green

Earthly Green in house

From an etic point of view, we see ocher and green. From an emic perspective, we look at the inside and discover the gold that is inside every one of us. We all arose from the same earth. It’s up to ourselves how we deal with culture.

Earthly Green
Earthly Green 2
Earthly Green 3
Earthly Green 4


31.5x15.7in 80x40cm 3D